Integration Specialists

article Integration Specialists

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses face the challenge of effectively integrating various systems and applications to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. Enter Schneider Technical Centre of Excellence, a leading provider of innovative technology solutions. With our cutting-edge expertise in cloud integrations, we empower businesses to seamlessly connect, optimize, and leverage the power of the cloud. In this article, we explore the benefits and capabilities of our cloud integration services and how they can revolutionise your business.


Imagine a single platform that unlocks the complete story behind your building's data. EcoStruxure Building Operations acts as this central hub, where SmartConnector brings together information from all your previously separate systems. This eliminates inconsistencies and creates a "single source of truth" for your building's performance.

Empowered by this unified view, building owners can:

  • Slash Operating Costs: SmartConnector helps identify areas where your building is inefficient. This allows you to target improvements and reduce energy consumption, saving you money.
  • Boost Tenant Satisfaction: By optimizing building systems for comfort and efficiency, Smart Connector can directly improve the experience for your tenants.
  • Make Smarter Investment Decisions: With clear insights into your building's health, Smart Connector empowers you to make data-driven decisions about capital expenditures and future upgrades.

In short, SmartConnector connects your building's data, empowering you to optimize performance and make smarter choices.


SmartDriver empowers you to seamlessly integrate and manage devices from various manufacturers within EcoStruxure Building Operation. Imagine a custom interface where you can monitor and control these devices directly, eliminating the need for separate platforms.

Here's how it works:

  • Effortless Integration: Think of SmartDriver Interface as a universal translator for your building systems. Similar to familiar protocols like Modbus and BACnet, it allows you to easily add third-party devices to the EcoStruxure Building Operation software's System Tree.
  • Centralized Control: The SmartDriver Driver acts behind the scenes, handling all the communication with your devices. This centralized approach lets you manage everything from a single interface, streamlining your workflow.

BLL (Business Logic Layer)

We've developed a robust Business Logic Layer (BLL) framework that acts as the foundation for seamless cloud-to-cloud integrations within the Building Graph ecosystem. This framework is backed by the Line of Business (LoB), ensuring it aligns perfectly with real-world building management needs.

Here's what the BLL accomplishes:

  • Effortless Building Graph Integrations: The BLL acts as a set of building blocks for creating "plug-ins" that connect the Building Graph to various cloud applications. This simplifies integration and streamlines data exchange between different systems. (Think of it as pre-built connectors that make adding new tools a breeze!)
  • Empowers Data Analysis and Use-Case Creation: By facilitating integrations, the BLL lays the groundwork for powerful Data Analysis and Reporting (DAR) tools. This allows users to easily create custom use cases that leverage data from across their building management systems, leading to deeper insights and improved decision-making.
  • Security First: The BLL framework has successfully undergone rigorous cybersecurity validation. This ensures secure data exchange and protects the integrity of your building's information.

In essence, the BLL empowers you to unlock the full potential of the Building Graph by simplifying integrations, enabling advanced data analysis, and prioritizing security.

schedule Published: Feb. 23, 2024, 1:28 p.m.