Trend Log SQL

Trend Log SQL SmartConnector

Trend Log SQL SmartConnector pushes extended log data to a SQL database that can be used with SQL Web Reports

Part Number: ISCINT00345

Product Features

Supported Operating Systems 

The following is a list of Operating Systems which the SmartConnector framework has been tested against. Non-listed operating systems capable of running .NET 4.5 should also work but their compatibility has not been verified.  

• Windows Server 2012 64 bit.
• Windows Server 2016 64 bit.
• Windows Server 2019 64 bit.
• Windows Server 2022 64 bit.

Supported Database Servers  

The following is a list of Microsoft SQL Servers which SmartConnector has been tested against. Non-listed servers compliant with Microsoft SQL Server may also work but their compatibility is not guaranteed.  

• Local DB.  
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2016.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2019.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2022.